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Legal notice

Website editor ou site publisher:

Mathym SAS

The company MATHYM is a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a share capital of €43,509, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Lyon under number 795 157 833.

EU VAT number: FR 41 795 157 833

Registered office:

22 rue des Aulnes

69410 Champagne Au Mont d’Or


Tel: +33 (0) 4 78 83 72 93

email address: info@mathym.com

The publication director of the general format of the Website is M. Julien ALBERICI as CEO of the company MATHYM.

Design & development:

The site is designed and developed by nyutōn.

Address: 196 grande rue 69600 Oullins – FRANCE

Website: nyuton.fr


The website Mathym.com is hosted by the company OVH, whose registered office is situated 2 rue Kellermann –  59100 Roubaix, France, Tel: +33 (0)3 20 20 09 58.

Photo credits:




Please read this legal notice attentively before consulting the website.

This notice is designed to define the bases on which MATHYM makes the present website available to you and on which you access and use the website. Any connection to the website is subordinated to compliance with the present legal notice which MATHYM reserves the right to modify or update at any time.

1. Access to the website

MATHYM strives to maintain the website accessible but has no obligation of so succeeding. It is specified that for the purposes of maintenance, updating and eventually for other reasons (notably technical), access to the website may be interrupted. MATHYM shall in no event be liable for any such interruptions and for any resulting consequences for any user of the website.

2. Intellectual property

Access to the www.mathym.com website gives you a right to private and non-exclusive use of the website. Any and all articles, photographs and other documents on the website are the property of MATHYM, or have been authorized for publication by their owners, and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. The brands present on the website (in the form of trademarks, logos or other forms) are the property of MATHYM and Baikowski Group companies. No license or other right of use of the brands displayed on the present website may be inferred. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission or alteration, partial or total, by any means whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of the present website or its content engages the user’s liability and may give rise to pursuit for counterfeiting.

3. Warranty and liability

Content published on the website is supplied “as is” and subject to no express or tacit warranty of any sort whatsoever. MATHYM reserves itself the right to modify, correct, interrupt and/or suppress content of or access to the website at any time and without notice. MATHYM may not be held liable in the event of any contamination of your computer equipment as a result of the propagation of a virus or other computer infections. It is your responsibility to take appropriate measures for the protection of your computer equipment.

In no event may MATHYM or its employees, vendors or other partners mentioned on the website be held liable, in respect of an action relating to contractual or penal liability, or of any other legal action, for any direct, indirect or incidental loss of any nature whatsoever, and notably for any financial or commercial loss, resulting from use of the website or of any information obtained on the website.

4. Hyperlinks

The www.mathym.com website may have occasion to provide access to other websites by means of hyperlinks. MATHYM does not manage those websites and cannot control their content. MATHYM may therefore in no event be held liable for the content of said websites or for any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or other process for the same purposes performed by said websites.

5. Cookies

On opening a page of our website, you saw a message indicating the presence of cookies on the website. Such “cookie” files are installed on your terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet etc.) for the purpose of collecting information on your browsing. Below, you will find explanatory details as well as guidance for configuring the cookies in accordance with your choices.

Presentation of cookies:

A cookie is a file containing information in respect of your browsing. It is recorded on your hard drive by your browser (as, for example, for your browsing history) when you visit a website. It is a small file which enables the server hosting the website to identify and recognize you during the cookie’s lifetime.

Why use cookies?

There are 2 types of cookies we may use.

Most technical cookies (such as session cookies) are indispensable for the website’s proper functioning and their suppression may result in browsing difficulties.

1. Technical cookies

Technical cookies are indispensable for the website’s functioning. They provide access to protected areas of the websites (such as professional areas) by means of personal identifiers (login and session password). They generally have a very short lifetime.

2. Statistical cookies (web analytics)

Statistical cookies collect your connection data to provide the website owner information on such matters as the number of visits to its website, the average duration of visits, the most visited pages and by means of which browser. Google Analytics generates a cookie possessing a unique identifier which collects your IP address in order to determine from which town or city you were connected but without ever establishing which computer or natural person you really are.

Additional information:

For more information on cookies, you may consult the French data protection authority’s website at http://www.cnil.fr/vos-droits/vos-traces/les-cookies/.